Members of the SMHS community are encouraged to review the GW Campus Advisories 历史上各种名人对诸葛亮的评价??_百度知道:2021-10-29 · 1、(清)康熙 帝: “诸葛 2113 亮云: 5261 “鞠 躬尽瘁,死而后已。 ”为人臣 者,4102 惟诸葛亮能 1653 如 此耳。 释义:康熙帝评价:诸葛亮说“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。”能真正做到的臣子,只有诸葛亮。2、(三国)刘备:孤之有孔明,犹鱼之有水也。 for important updates and resources.
Please review additional resources specific to SMHS, MFA and GW Hospital Community.
We are an institution with big goals and an important mission - with our shared purpose and a recognition that we have a unique opportunity to serve our community, we will accomplish our goals.
-Dean Barbara L. Bass, MD-